發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2015-04-29 Blog 3: Decisive Youth 台東青少年毅力堅強 (33) (6)
2015-04-28 Blog 2: Taiwan Missions Start Here 台灣短期宣教開跑了! (40) (1)
2015-04-27 Blog 1: From LAX to TPE 風雨故人來 (70) (5)
2015-04-26 出遠門的惡夢:手機和上網之黑洞 (356) (5)
2015-04-06 2015 復活節與清明節相遇 (84) (9)
2015-04-06 Cedar Waxwing 香柏連雀 (59) (4)
2015-03-26 Spotted Munia 斑文鳥 - 再現 (67) (6)
2015-03-25 Nattall's Woodpecker & 2 Others 納托爾啄木鳥和另二種 (25) (3)
2015-03-17 Spring Flowers 春城無處不飛花之二 (53) (9)
2015-03-13 Osprey 魚 鷹 - Part 2 (94) (5)
2015-03-11 Osprey 魚鷹 (241) (5)
2015-03-07 Spotted Munia 斑文鳥 (305) (3)
2015-03-07 Birds & Bees;Flowers & Trees 春城無處不飛花 (111) (11)
2015-03-05 Nuttall's Woodpecker 納托爾啄木鳥 (143) (4)
2015-03-04 櫻花初放,蝴蝶翩翩起舞 (161) (11)
2015-02-26 Seal beach, California 加州海豹灘 (732) (10)
2015-02-17 敬祝羊年:年年有魚、連連有魚! (118) (17)
2015-02-15 Great Blue Heron Family 大蒼鷺新組家庭 (792) (3)
2015-02-13 Point Vincente Lighthouse (84) (5)
2015-02-10 Point Vincente Interpretive Center 野生生態觀賞台 (80) (7)
2015-02-03 Peacock May Be Your Neighbor? 孔雀可能是您的鄰居? (106) (6)
2015-01-31 Alone ≠ Lonely 獨自一人 ≠ 孤單寂寞 (114) (8)
2015-01-31 Spring Flowers:Plum & Cherry Blossoms 春花:梅與櫻 (93) (5)
2015-01-27 Old “Machine” Check Up 老舊“機器”維修 (125) (10)
2015-01-24 Recent Bird Matters 近來的鳥事 (80) (5)
2015-01-18 Top and Bottom of the Food Chain弱肉強食 (118) (6)
2015-01-15 Autumn Leaves and Spring Flowers 秋葉與春花 (99) (5)
2015-01-14 One Day in the Desert - Last Chapter - Power Plants 風從那裡來?火往何處去? (95) (7)
2015-01-12 One Day in the Desert - 4 Calexico 邊城故事:加利西哥 (267) (8)
2015-01-10 One Day in the Desert - 3 When Night Falls 日落西山月初昇 (170) (7)
2015-01-09 One Day in the Desert - 2 Sonny Bono 野生動物保護區 (218) (6)
2015-01-07 One Day in the Desert -1 沙漠一日遊 沙丘鶴 (296) (6)
2015-01-02 1st Day of 2015 年的第一天 (127) (11)
2014-12-31 Bird Story at End of 2014 鳥事最後一章 (128) (9)
2014-12-30 Lucky Shots 好運氣巧鏡頭 (163) (7)
2014-12-29 Gull's Catch, My Surprise-Octopus 海鷗的佳餚,我的驚喜-章魚 (159) (5)
2014-12-28 Cedar Waxwing 香柏連雀 (367) (6)
2014-12-27 台灣行回顧 (172) (11)
2014-12-21 Dinner @ TY Airport 離台前桃園機場@度小月晚餐 (869) (10)
2014-12-16 Leaving for Taiwan, BJ Airport 北京機場 (90) (6)
2014-12-16 3rd Day in BJ, Beautiful Lord's Day 美麗的主日 (260) (7)
2014-12-15 2nd Day in BJ-Great Wall 居庸關 (230) (17)
2014-12-12 1st Day in BJ 北京的第一天 (223) (16)
2014-12-10 Leaving for BJ with Sleepy Eyes 睡眼惺忪去北京 (278) (5)
2014-12-09 士林士東市場 阿吉師 握壽司大快朵頤 (425) (7)
2014-12-07 普悠瑪自強號列車 (316) (5)
2014-12-06 Brand New “Home” for the Youth 全新晨曦會台東青少年學園 (857) (3)
2014-12-04 Shoreline of East Taiwan 台灣東海岸 美景數不盡 (217) (8)
2014-11-30 Growing Immatured Hummingbird 成長中的年幼蜂鳥 (154) (10)
2014-11-29 Thanksgiving 2014 感恩節 (135) (4)